Saturday, 2 October 2010

PC World - a different story every time you phone ..

1) buy laptop

2) delete windows

3) 9 months later, keyboard gGooes ffffaullltttyyyy.....

4) laptop gets picked up, 1 week later, i phone, it returns unfixed.

5) decide i wont fix it, because its still under warranty, though its only a hour long job. on a good day.

6) laptop gets picked up again, a week passes, phoned, they cant find it, returns unfixed, day after.

7) hospital, (nothing to do with PC World)

8) I'm back home, keyboard still needs hospital though, and so the laptop gets picked up, 1 week glides by, i phone, try next week.

9) I phoned Tech Guys (OK,stop laughing) & was told its going to be written off. phone next week, of course. do you see a pattern emerging ?

10) phoned next week, told it WAS written off, expect voucher in post, asked for written confirmation, told no. smelled a rat.

11) waited for vouchers (week) got 12 month guarantee reminder came though.

12) phoned, asked where vouchers were, told 'we don't do vouchers' i slammed the phone down this time.

13) rang trading standards sought legal advice. took advice.

14) got angrier, composed letter to manager of store. 12 month warranty ran out. letter said i could continue quality care, they wanted £7 a month.

15) phoned, told it was waiting to be assessed for write off, try next week.

16) got angrier

17) phoned, told it had new motherboard, cpu, fan, keyboard & case ordered. phone cut off. got angry again.

18) phoned 1 hour later, told its not written off, bring to it into store, said 'i cant, you have it' spoke to manager,
he told me, quote ref number, ask for him in person, when laptop returns.

19) wished i hadn't quit smoking

20) day after, laptop returns, working beautifully, thoroughly inspect & soak-test, lovely. remove Windows.

20) phoned store before i actually go for replacement, to confirm this is not a total waste of time. speak to manager, different manager.

22) was told 'cant replace it' as previous (?) manager thought it was only weeks old. got angrier.

23) found out it was a total waste of time.

24) forgot all about PC World. decide to keep my fixed, as new, nice, laptop.

25) played radio for days, went for walks in the park, Curry, Beer..

26) yesterday morning rudely awoken by pleasant woman phoning from Curry's saying it was OK to take my laptop in and get a new replacement

27) went back to sleep.